For an in-depth look at all the open spaces that Clifton Park has to offer,
please visit our Open Space, Trails, and Riverfront Advisory Committee webpages:
Open Spaces, Trails & Riverfront Advisory Committee website
Geology Walks - Travel through geologic time by experiencing what is visible on walking trails near the river. Prepared by Katherine Johnson as part of a Girl Scout Silver Award project for Troop 2158. Click here for brochure.
The Vischer Ferry Nature & Historic Preserve in Clifton Park will be officially closed to recreational users but open for duck hunters in designated areas for one week in October. Hunters must register prior to entering the preserve in the Clifton Park Town Clerk's Office located at the corner of Clifton Park Center & Vischer Ferry Roads, showing hunter's and driver's licenses, duck stamp and car registration. The Town Clerk also has maps of the Vischer Ferry Nature & Historic Preserve including the No-Hunting Zones. Click here for map
Update 6/29/23: After receiving no bids in the first round of the bid process the Town is pleased to announce that we have received several bids in the second round with competitive pricing. A company was chosen and will be approved by the Town Board at the next meeting so that the reconstruction process can begin as soon as possible.
Update 6/21/23: After receiving no responses to our initial bidding process the Town has engaged a new bidding process. Bids are due on June 29, 2023.
Update 6/8/23: After the issues with the previous contractor the Town embarked on a very quick planning and procurement process following the destruction of the trail. A request for bids went out and the Town received no bids for the trail reconstruction project. A new bid process will commence immediately.
Update 5/12/23: The Town Board has been working to repave the trails that connect neighborhoods such as The Oaks, Summerhill, Addison Estates and Settlers Hill in recent years. All of the trails have been successfully repaved except for the trail connecting Miller Road to Wallflower Drive. Due to some difficulty experienced by the contractor while performing the work, this section of trail will require extensive repairs. Therefore, we have closed the trail until the repairs are completed. Town personnel are reviewing the situation and a plan of action to complete the repairs is being devised. Thank you for your patience.
20 Feb 2025; 07:00PM - 08:00PM Historic Preservation Commission Meetings |
20 Mar 2025; 07:00PM - 08:00PM Historic Preservation Commission Meetings |