The next Clifton Park Household Hazardous Waste Day is scheduled for September 23, 2023.
2021 Household Hazardous Waste FAQs Brochure
NO – those items should be brought to the Clifton Park Transfer Station and there is a free Saratoga County Scrap Metal Recycling Dropoff.
YES - you can call Town Hall to find out your assigned time and number 371-6651 x 226.
YES - you will need to fill out a paper copy of the registration and return it to Town Hall by mail or in person. These forms are available at Town Hall, the transfer station, and the Clifton Park-Halfmoon Library.
YES – propane tanks from either small or large gas grills will be accepted, however the grill itself is not allowed.
With such large numbers of participants, we have allowed for minimal leeway in the arrival times. Please make an effort to arrive as close as possible to your assigned time.
YES You can register separately or combine items on one registration form.
In extreme circumstances, the Special Collections Day committee will be able to make changes. Please call Town Hall for more info 371-6651 x 226.
NONE– This is a FREE service for Clifton Park & Halfmoon residents only provided by the Town of Clifton Park to better serve its Town of Clifton Park residents.
Dry unwanted latex paint outdoors, away from children and animals and discard with the household trash in a plastic lined box. Remove paint can lids so the trash removers can see that the cans are empty or the paint is dry. Add kitty litter, sawdust, or sand to completely dry the paint out. Once dry, it can be disposed in your regular household garbage.
20 Feb 2025; 07:00PM - 08:00PM Historic Preservation Commission Meetings |
20 Mar 2025; 07:00PM - 08:00PM Historic Preservation Commission Meetings |