Disasters and emergencies can strike our community at any time. The Town of Clifton Park is committed to supporting police, fire, emergency medical services, rescue, other responders, and our citizens to quickly and effectively respond to all emergencies in our community. Our plans and programs are aligned with Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) guidelines and work within all public disaster response plans and efforts at the County, State, and Federal levels.
Personal Readiness
Becoming informed of hazards and how to respond to them in case of emergency is a critical first step to being prepared. Developing a plan and building a kit of essential materials to keep at the ready are additional actions you can take to strengthen your family’s resilience and response to any disaster or emergency event.
FEMA’s Ready.gov web site is one of the best tools available to help people prepare for almost any type of disaster or emergency. You can also download a mobile app there that provides detailed guidance and information about how you can make plans, respond to, and mitigate impacts from natural and man-made emergencies and disasters.
Community Response
Clifton Park citizens can also play an important role in helping our town support police, fire, and other emergency responders. We were all beneficiaries of volunteer support during the 2008 Ice Storm, Tropical Storms Irene and Lee in 2011, and the Covid Pandemic of 2021-2022. During these challenging events, an outpouring of selflessness and willingness to help each other spread throughout our town. Volunteers established and staffed shelters, operated generators to power traffic signals, and answered phones at Town Hall to keep residents informed.
CERT Training
Step one for CERT Volunteers is registering in the FEMA Emergency Management Institute Student Identification System at https://cdp.dhs.gov/femasid
Once registered, volunteers may take FEMA Independents Study Course IS-317.A, Introduction to Community Emergency Response Teams (CERTS). After completion of the course and final exam, students can obtain a FEMA Certificate of Achievement and present it to the Clifton Park CERT Program Manager.
After registration with the Program Manager, CERT volunteers will be scheduled for Phase II classroom CERT basic training, which is presented locally. From there, volunteers will be eligible for further specialized training in emergency response procedures, shelter management, and other specialized skills that they can provide when our Clifton Park CERT is activated.
20 Mar 2025; 07:00PM - 08:00PM Historic Preservation Commission Meetings |
17 Apr 2025; 07:00PM - 08:00PM Historic Preservation Commission Meetings |