It is the legislative intent of the Clifton Park Environmental Conservation Commission to:
As requested, advise the Town Board, Planning Board or other boards or commissions within the Town of Clifton Park on matters affecting preservation, development and the use of natural resources within the Town of Clifton Park. The Commission shall consider the existing conditions and environmental impacts associated with any proposed actions in order to formulate its recommendations
Participate in programs of public information that are designed to increase community awareness regarding the environment
Participate in the design, implementation and review of studies, surveys and inventories of environmental features within the Town of Clifton Park
Work with the Stormwater Management Technician to maintain a current inventory of publicly and privately owned open spaces and special environmental features within the Town of Clifton Park. This inventory should include, but not be limited to: streams, lakes and ponds; floodways; wetlands; forests; scenic vistas; unique biological communities (such as protected, rare, threatened or endangered species); and natural landmarks
Maintain liaison with public and private agencies, authorities, organizations, institutions and individuals whose environmental programs, activities or knowledge will help the town meet the goals of this chapter
Recommend to the Town Board, or its designated committee(s), features, plans, programs or controls related to enhancement of environmental quality for inclusion in the Comprehensive Plan
Recommend to the Town Board, or its designated committee(s), new or amended regulations related to environmental quality for inclusion in the Code of the Town of Clifton Park
As authorized by the Town Board, write, publish and distribute books, maps, charts and pamphlets in accord with this chapter
As may be necessary to conserve and property utilize natural resources and open spaces and when authorized by the Town Board, accept by gift, grant, devise, bequest or otherwise property, both real and personal, in the name of the Town of Clifton Park. Such real property may be accepted in fee for land and water rights or as any lesser interest, development right, easement, including conservation easement, covenant or other contractual right, including conveyance with limitations or reversions
Carry out such duties as may be assigned from time to time by the Town Board.