As the Town of Clifton Park has grown so has its many neighborhood parks. Locating parks, playgrounds, ball fields and tennis courts within neighborhoods and developments has been a long-standing Town priority. Residents enjoy convenience and accessibility, greatly enhancing their quality of life. To insure the local parks continue to meet the needs of the neighborhoods they serve the Town has created “Park Districts”. It has been Town policy to create local Park District Committees in order to provide for neighborhood control and decision-making. Residents within a Park District pay a small annual Park District Levy (tax) on their yearly tax bill, to support and maintain their neighborhood park. In order to provide for the on-going needs of the neighborhood parks and to oversee the expenditures of park funds for regular maintenance such as grass cutting, painting of playground equipment, spring clean-up, lighting, fencing and signage, each Park District has a Park District Advisory Committee. The Committee is comprised of residents from the neighborhoods contained within the Park District. In 1995 the Town Board assigned the following duties to the Park District Advisory Committees; to regularly assess and monitor recreational issues within the Town, insure all park facilities are open and useable, to hold regular meetings* (check meeting dates on the Community Calendar) and communicate with Park District residents concerning district activities, including budget items. The mission of the Park District Advisory Committee is to ensure the effective and efficient operation and maintenance of its’ parklands and equipment to the benefit of the district residents. The Town Board has final review of all park initiatives, but values park committee input and guidance. There are 11 Park Districts in the Town of Clifton Park. Park District Committees need volunteers to join the committees and assist with park projects and on-going park issues. If you can help or want to ask how you can be of help, Call the District Committee Chair or the Town Parks Department at 371-6667. The Parks and Recreation Department coordinates with and assists the Committees, while serving as the point of contact with the Town Board. Areas of interest in support of the Parks:
Playground Equipment | Benches, Picnic Tables | Tennis Courts |
Ball Fields | Pedestrian/Bike Paths | Landscaping |
General Appearance | Entrances & Signs | Fencing |
Lighting | Finances | Special Uses |
Not all Park Districts meet at regular intervals. Check the Community Calendar, here for future meeting dates for other districts. All meetings are open to Park District residents. The Park Districts and affiliated neighborhoods are as follows:
Addison Estates / Meadow Estates
Calico Colony
Calico Colony
Clifton Gardens- Bob Davison, Chair – (518) 371-5828
Clifton Gardens
Kings Court
Springhill Estates
Clifton Knolls Mill Creek - Marlys McGinniss, Chair - (518) 371-8607
Meets every 4th Tuesday of the month in the Town Hall at 7:00PM.
Clifton Knolls
Mill Creek
Dwaaskill - Bill Williams, Chair – (518) 257-0366
Country Knolls South
Via Florentine
Northcrest (part)
Longkill #1- Glenn Valle, Chair
Country Knolls
Country Knolls Ashley Section
Dutch Meadows
Knollwood Hollow
Van Wyck Estates
Windsor Point
Longkill #2- Stuart Fuerstein, Chair – (518) 877-7938
Country Knolls West
Riverview #1- Jen Oliver, Chair – (518) 209-9648
Amity Point
Cresent Estates
Cresent Estates South
Cresent Point
Forest Point
Fox Hollow
Foxwood Apts.
Settler's Hill -
Sherwood Forest- David Dittmer, Chair – (518) 817-1743, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sherwood Forest Park District newsletter 2023
Sherwood Forest
Sterling Heights
Falcon Ridge
The Vistas
Vistas West
Stony Creek #1 - Brian Easton, Chair – (518) 371-9638
Berkshire Estates
Birch Knolls
Countrymen Estates
Cresent Estates North
Englemore Landing
Grooms Pointe
Maple Leaf Estates
Presidential Estates
Stoney Creek
Tremont Estates
Woodcrest Pointe
Village Green
Stoney Creek #2 - Cyndy Treacy, Chair – (518) 383-4571
Park Lane Estates
Vischer's Landing - Judy Hughes, Chair - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
20 Feb 2025; 07:00PM - 08:00PM Historic Preservation Commission Meetings |
20 Mar 2025; 07:00PM - 08:00PM Historic Preservation Commission Meetings |