Michael O'Brien
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The Town of Clifton Park Sewer Department oversees the Operation and Maintenance of 10 Sewer Districts within the Town of Clifton Park and Malta. While all public sewers, each district presents unique challenges and budget. The Clifton Park Sewer Department utilizes resources throughout the districts and Towns, to provide the best value to the taxpayer, while working to upgrade old infrastructure.
The Districts are as follows:
If you do not live or are unsure if you are within these sewer districts feel free to contact us with your sewer related questions at 518-348-7313 or click on the email link at the top of the page. We would be glad to help you.
The following information may answer many questions people may have. We will continue to upgrade this page with pertinent info as needed. We have also provided sever files with grinder pump specs, the Town owned grinder pump list (Clifton Park Sewer District #1 and Malta Sewer District #2 only).
Other information
If the Alarm Lights:
If there is a grinder pump failure, the tank which contains the pump will become too full. An alarm light located in your home will automatically turn on.
You should:
Protect Your Pump
The grinder pump can handle any wastewater that is normally discharged to the sewer from the kitchen, bathroom or laundry. Some chemicals and materials may cause operating problems or safety hazards. It is advisable to check labels on chemicals prior to their disposal. Never connect a sump pump to the grinder pump.
CAUTION: Never put any of the following materials into sinks, toilets or drains:
These materials may clog your home system or create unsafe conditions in your lines and tank. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your low pressure system will provide many years of safe, reliable service.
Nuts and Bolts: Technical Details
A sewage holding tank has been installed underground in your home and a sewage grinder pump is housed in the tank. The tank cover is round and is the only part that shows above the floor. All of the wastewater from your home flows into the buried tank. When the tank fills to a present level, the grinder pump automatically turns on, grinds the waste, and forces it out of the tank and into the sewage system. The grinder pump normally will run for one or two minutes and will automatically turn off when the tank has been emptied. The pump is programmed to operate in cycles, rather than continuously. Cycles are determined by the amount of water used, usually after 20 gallons has entered the tank. During a usual day, the grinder pump will turn on and off to empty the tank 20 to 30 times.
In Case of Power Failure
If there is a power failure which affects your home, your grinder pump will also experience a loss of power and not be able to operate. The grinder pump tank has a certain amount of holding capacity, but interior water use should be severely limited until power has been restored.
While on Vacation
If you are going to be away from home for more than seven days, the following steps should be taken to minimize any stagnating odors. First, run water from an inside tap long enough for the grinder pump to begin working. After the pump turns on, turn the water off. The grinder pump will run until the tank is empty and will shut off. This process will cleanse the pump and leave it filled with a minimum of clean water. Always leave the electrical power on.
Sewer System Cleaning Information
The Town of Clifton Park Sewer Department will be conducting sewer line cleaning on Town owned sewer systems throughout the year to provide residents with the best service possible. The following information has been put together to help this process go smoothly as we clean the mains in your street.
With the risk of continuing low temperatures, residents in the Country Knolls South Neighborhood and those throughout the Town of Clifton Park with grinder pumps, make sure to check your pumps for freezing. In order to prevent freezing, be sure to cycle your pumps frequently by running your faucet or flushing your toilet to allow the pump to cycle through several times a day. This will prevent the pump and lines from freezing.
Current Projects: 2016-2017
Clifton Park Sewer District #1: The upgrade of sewer pipe along Valencia Lane, Val De Penas, South Barney, and Par Del Rio in Clifton Knolls. Expected to be completed spring 2017.
Customers of Crescent Waste Sewer can view the recent slideshow presentation on the tranistion to the Town by clicking Clifton Park Sewer District #2 Informational Meeting.
On December 1, 2004 the owners of CK Sanitary Systems, Inc abandoned the sewer system to the Town of Clifton Park and the Town of Malta. This action forced the Towns of Clifton Park and Malta to take over the operation and maintenance of the system. As with any transfer in ownership there will be some changes. Some of the more notable changes you will notice are as follows:
While this highlights some of the more significant changes, you may notice since the abandonment, the Town of Clifton Park and Malta are committed to a seamless transition and excellent customer service. If you have any questions or comments feel free to contact us at 518-348-7313 or email.
Clifton Park Sewer is a complex network of almost 60 miles of pipe, 8 pump stations, and upwards of 550 grinder pumps. Most people never think twice about sewage and where it goes as long as it leaves there homes. Your sewer payments are necessary to provide for pump replacement and repairs, blockage removal, sewer line cleaning, sewer line replacement, electric bills, fuel (generators), etc. Throughout the year there will be a variety of emergencies, failures, and other unexpected issues that need to be dealt with promptly.
No, CK Sanitary consists of infrastructure to transport waste from CK Sanitary customers to the Saratoga County Sewer District #1 System for processing.
The Saratoga County Sewer District #1 wastewater treatment plant is located in Mechanicville, New York.
There are 8 pump stations located throughout the town to pump sewage in areas where gravity transportation is not an option. Pump Stations are typically in low areas of the system and will pump sewage up hill to a gravity line and continues toward the wastewater treatment plant. These stations do not process sewage; however they must be functional 24 hours/day. These stations have alarm systems associated with them and in a couple situations a generator to provide back up power in the event of a power outage. You may see a red light flashing at a station once in a great while. This indicates an alarm has likely been transmitted via alarm dialer.
A grinder pump is a pump located in a tank that receives wastewater from your home. The pumps send the wastewater to either a pressure sewer line or a gravity sewer line at the street. We are responsible for maintaining certain grinder pumps within the old CK System at no cost to our customers. (See list of CK owned Grinder Pumps)
Grinder pumps are designed to provide years of maintenance free service, however, there are some things you should know to ensure the longevity of your pump.
If you have gravity sewer that is backing up, it is likely a blockage in the lateral leaving your home. While CK Sanitary is responsible for the sewer main in the street, blockages (grease, roots, etc.) in a residential gravity sewer lateral is the responsibility of the homeowner. If contacted, our personnel will inspect the sewer in the street to verify it is operating correctly and not causing the back up into your home. Most plumbers are equipped to handle this type of emergency, should it be deemed to be a problem on your property.
Absolutely Not! Sump pump hook ups to any sanitary sewer in Clifton Park are illegal. If you have a sump pump hooked up to the sewer, you should remove it immediately and re-route it to the exterior of your home. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this important issue please contact 348-7313 or email.
It is never acceptable to dispose of any hazardous chemicals down the drain. Explosive chemicals such as gasoline pose a significant threat to sanitary sewers and should never be dumped down the drain. Explosive vapors can build up in sewers and create a hazardous condition, in addition, these vapors pose a threat to the technicians and contractors that maintain the system and could prove fatal in certain situations. The Town of Clifton Park conducts a Household Hazardous Waste Day annually where these items can be properly disposed of. The Town of Malta also participates in this program.
20 Feb 2025; 07:00PM - 08:00PM Historic Preservation Commission Meetings |
20 Mar 2025; 07:00PM - 08:00PM Historic Preservation Commission Meetings |