Town of Clifton Park
Saratoga County Department of Aging & Youth Services Available in Southern Saratoga County
It is with great pleasure that we can let you know that staff from the Saratoga County Department of Aging and Youth will be available at the Clifton Park Senior Center on Wednesday, April 17 from 1 - 4 pm to offer individual sessions to answer residents' questions about programs and services. Their office is in Ballston Spa, so there has been advocacy locally to provide more convenient "office hours" for those who reside in Southern Saratoga County.
Supervisor Barrett has coordinated this pilot program to bring the Saratoga County Office of the Aging professionals to the residents of the County through a partnership with the Clifton Park Senior Community Center. This is the first of what we hope will be regularly scheduled times. In order to make that happen, it is important that there be people to take advantage of this opportunity.
What does the Department of Aging offer, you ask? Its purpose is to assist older residents to "remain in their homes and to actively participate in family and community life". This is achieved by providing Information and referral to services (including New York Connects, which offers free unbiased information about long term services and supports), transportation services, job and volunteer opportunities, information regarding senior center and adult day programs, congregate and home-delivered meals, care management, caregiver supports, legal services (wills, power of attorney, health care proxy), in-home services such as EISEP (Expanded In-home Services for the Elderly Program), home energy assistance applications as well as Medicare & Medicare Advantage information and assistance.
Please feel free to "drop-in" to explore options for yourself, a loved one, or someone you think might be in need. And don't hesitate to spread the word!!!
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