Town of Clifton Park
Town Website Switching to .gov in 2025

The Town of Clifton Park will be changing its website domain name in 2025. In December of 2024 Governor Hochul signed a bill introduced by Senator James Skoufis (D, Orange County) requiring all municipalities with a population greater than one thousand five hundred residents maintain an official website with a “.gov” domain name that is accessible to the public by the end of the year. The goal of this bill is to provide the public accessible basic information, financial reports, meeting and election notices, meeting agendas and minutes, and up to date versions of local codes and laws. The Town of Clifton Park has been providing all this information and more to the public for many years on its current website, This change will only affect the domain name for the town’s website. The website will still look the same and will continue to provide residents with up-to-date information about what is happening in town.
Although this mandate is not required until December 2025 the Town will be making this transition sooner than later due to the implementation of a new communication platform that will be rolled out in late spring of 2025 which will also include the use of the Town’s domain name. This new program which is designed to help local government entities connect with residents will be an additional source of information for our residents to gain more detailed information about the projects, programs and events that are happening around Town. More information about this program will be made available as the program is implemented.
At this time the Town has applied for a .gov domain name. Once it has been approved, we will announce it. With this change email addresses for all town staff and elected officials will also be changing to match the new domain name. The Town of Clifton Park will continue to update residents and the general public about this transition as it moves forward.
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