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Town of Clifton Park

Stormwater Department

Responsible For:

  • Reviewing actions proposed or undertaken within the Town of Clifton Park with respect to environmental regulations, policies or practices adopted by the town.
  • Providing technical guidance to town departments and committees on such topics as water quality, wetlands, hazardous materials, and hazardous waste management.
  • Acting as government liaison to the Environmental Conservation Commission, providing guidance on issues related to the State Environmental Quality Review Act, site plan review, wetland delineation and other various environmental concerns.

Scott Reese - Stormwater Program Coordinator - Stormwater Management Officer

Contact Info: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Town of Clifton Park Stormwater Management Plan: Town of Clifton Park Stormwater Management Plan

Town of Clifton Park Stormwater Management Plan Organizational Chart: SWMP Organizational Chart

Town of Clifton Park Enforcement Response Plan: Chart of Escalatory Enforcement Actions

     Town of Clifton Park Town Code Chapter 86-7 D.(3):  Storm drainage - Enforcement and penalties      

     Town of Clifton Park Town Code Chapter 169-8: Illicit discharges, activities and connections to MS4

Public to report illicit discharge, construction site complaint: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


2021 2022 DRAFT MS4 Annual Report for Clifton Park

2020 2021 DRAFT MS4 Annual Report for Clifton Park

2019 2020 DRAFT MS4 Annual Report for Clifton Park
2015-2016 Annual Stormwater Report for Clifton Park
(2.39 MB)
pdf 2014-2015 Annual Stormwater Report for Clifton Park
(1.95 MB)
Saratoga County Intermunicipal Stormwater Management Program
Soil and Water Conservation Society
NYS DEC Stormwater General Information
Center for Watershed Protection
NYSDEC website
SPDES General Permit for Discharges from Construction Activity (GP-0-15-002)
SPDES Construction Stormwater Information

NYSDEC Calendar of Stormwater Events
NYSDEC Permit Application Forms
Stormwater (Journal)

Other Upstate Stormwater Web pages
Western NY Stormwater Coalition (Erie and Niagara Counties)
Saratoga County Intermunicpal Stormwater Management Program

Project Wet – Water Education for Teachers
After the Storm Brochure
After the Storm Video
Protecting Water Quality from Urban Runoff
Water Efficient Landscaping

Make Your Home the Solution to Stormwater Pollution
What Can You Do To Protect Local Waterways?

Contractors and Developers
NYSDEC Stormwater Main Page
NYSDEC Stormwater Construction Toolbox
Construction Industry Compliance Assistance Center Stormwater Page
NY Standards and Specification for Erosion and Sediment Control
NYS Stormwater Management Design Manual
FAQs – SPDES General Permit (GP-02-01) Permit Requirements
FAQs – SPDES General Permit (GP-02-01) Technical Requirements
SMP Preparation and Review Checklist
Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Review Checklist
Stormwater BMP Poster

EPA Nonpoint Source (NPS) Outreach Toolbox
Stormwater Managers Resource Center
Center for Watershed Protection
Stormwater Management Guidance for Local Officials
Stormwater Management Gap Analysis Workbook for Local Officials
Get the Word Out
Keeping Our Waters Clean: How smaller communities can prevent toxic runoff

MS4 Minimum Measures
MS4 Toolbox
Stormwater Phase II Fact Sheet
Critical Path to Compliance
Measurable Goals Guidance for Phase II Small MS4s

MM1: Public Education/Outreach
Public Education and Outreach Fact Sheet
Getting In Step: A Guide for Watershed Outreach Programs
Getting In Step: Engaging and Involving Stakeholders in Your Watershed

MM2: Public Involvement/Participation
Public Involvement and Participation Fact Sheet

IDDE Fact Sheet
IDDE Manual: A Handbook for Municipalities

MM4: Construction
Construction Site Runoff Control Fact Sheet
Sample Local Law for Erosion and Sediment Control

MM5: Post-Construction
Post-Construction Runoff Control Fact Sheet
Using Smart Growth Techniques as Stormwater BMPs

MM6: Pollution Prevention/Good Houskeeping
Potential Pollutants From Municipal Facilities
Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping Fact Sheet

Requirements for Construction Site Inspections Effective May 2010

A. General Construction Site Inspection and Maintenance Requirements

  1. The owner or operator must ensure that all erosion and sediment control practices and all post-construction stormwater management practices identified in the SWPPP are maintained in effective operating condition at all times.
  2. The terms of this permit shall not be construed to prohibit the State of New York from exercising any authority pursuant to the ECL, common law or federal law, or prohibit New York State from taking any measures, whether civil or criminal, to prevent violations of the laws of the State of New York, or protect the public health and safety and/or the environment.

B. Owner or Operator Maintenance Inspection Requirements

  1. The owner or operator shall inspect, in accordance with the requirements in the most current version of the technical standard, New York State Standards and Specifications for Erosion and Sediment Control, the erosion and sediment controls identified in the SWPPP to ensure that they are being maintained in effective operating condition at all times.
  2. For construction sites where soil disturbance activities have been temporarily suspended (e.g. winter shutdown) and temporary stabilization measures have been applied to all disturbed areas, the owner or operator can stop conducting the maintenance inspections. The owner or operator shall begin conducting the maintenance inspections in accordance with Part IV.B.1. as soon as soil disturbance activities resume.
  3. For construction sites where soil disturbance activities have been shut down with partial project completion, the owner or operator can stop conducting the maintenance inspections if all areas disturbed as of the project shutdown date have achieved final stabilization and all post-construction stormwater management practices required for the completed portion of the project have been constructed in conformance with the SWPPP and are operational.

(Part IV. C)

C. Qualified Inspector Inspection Requirements – The owner or operator shall have a qualified inspector conduct site inspections in conformance with the following requirements:

[Note: The trained contractor identified in Part III.A.6. cannot conduct the qualified inspector site inspections unless they meet the qualified inspector qualifications included in Appendix A. In order to perform these inspections, the trained contractor would have to be a:

  • Licensed Professional Engineer,
  • Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC),
  • Registered Landscape Architect, or
  • Someone working under the direct supervision of, and at the same company as, the licensed Professional Engineer or Registered Landscape Architect, provided they have received four (4) hours of Department endorsed training in proper erosion and sediment control principles from a Soil and Water Conservation District, or other Department endorsed entity].
  1. A qualified inspector shall conduct site inspections for all construction activities identified in Tables 1 and 2 of Appendix B, with the exception of:
    1. the construction of a single family residential subdivision with 25% or less impervious cover at total site build-out that involves a soil disturbance of one (1) or more acres of land but less than five (5) acres and is not located in one of the watersheds listed in Appendix C and not directly discharging to one of the 303(d) segments listed in Appendix E;
    2. the construction of a single family home that involves a soil disturbance of one (1) or more acres of land but less than five (5) acres and is not located in one of the watersheds listed in Appendix C and not directly discharging to one of the 303(d) segments listed in Appendix E;
    3. construction on agricultural property that involves a soil disturbance of one (1) or more acres of land but less than five (5) acres; and
    4. construction activities located in the watersheds identified in Appendix D that involve soil disturbances between five thousand (5000) square feet and one (1) acre of land.
    5. Unless otherwise notified by the Department, the qualified inspector shall conduct site inspections in accordance with the following timetable:
      1. For construction sites where soil disturbance activities are on-going, the qualified inspector shall conduct a site inspection at least once every seven (7) calendar days.

(Part IV. C. 2)

  1. For construction sites where soil disturbance activities are on-going and the owner or operator has received authorization in accordance with Part II.C.3 to disturb greater than five (5) acres of soil at any one time, the qualified inspector shall conduct at least two (2) site inspections every seven (7) calendar days. The two (2) inspections shall be separated by a minimum of two (2) full calendar days.
  2. For construction sites where soil disturbance activities have been temporarily suspended (e.g. winter shutdown) and temporary stabilization measures have been applied to all disturbed areas, the qualified inspector shall conduct a site inspection at least once every thirty (30) calendar days. The owner or operator shall notify the Regional Office stormwater contact person (see contact information in Appendix F) or, in areas under the jurisdiction of a regulated, traditional land use control MS4, the MS4 (provided the MS4 is not the owner or operator of the construction activity) in writing prior to reducing the frequency of inspections.
  3. For construction sites where soil disturbance activities have been shut down with partial project completion, the qualified inspector can stop conducting inspections if all areas disturbed as of the project shutdown date have achieved final stabilization and all post-construction stormwater management practices required for the completed portion of the project have been constructed in conformance with the SWPPP and are operational. The owner or operator shall notify the Regional Office stormwater contact person (see contact information in Appendix F) or, in areas under the jurisdiction of a regulated, traditional land use control MS4, the MS4 (provided the MS4 is not the owner or operator of the construction activity). in writing prior to the shutdown. If soil disturbance activities are not resumed within 2 years from the date of shutdown, the owner or operator shall have the qualified inspector perform a final inspection and certify that all disturbed areas have achieved final stabilization, and all temporary, structural erosion and sediment control measures have been removed; and that all postconstruction stormwater management practices have been constructed in conformance with the SWPPP by signing the “Final Stabilization” and “Post-Construction Stormwater Management Practice” certification statements on the NOT. The owner or operator shall then submit the completed NOT form to the address in Part II.A.1..

(Part IV. C. 3)

  1. At a minimum, the qualified inspector shall inspect all erosion and sediment control practices to ensure integrity and effectiveness, all post-construction stormwater management practices under construction to ensure that they are constructed in conformance with the SWPPP, all areas of disturbance that have not achieved final stabilization, all points of discharge to natural surface waterbodies located within, or immediately adjacent to, the property boundaries of the construction site, and all points of discharge from the construction site.
  2. The qualified inspector shall prepare an inspection report subsequent to each and every inspection. At a minimum, the inspection report shall include and/or address the following:
    1. Date and time of inspection;
    2. Name and title of person(s) performing inspection;
    3. A description of the weather and soil conditions (e.g. dry, wet, saturated) at the time of the inspection;
    4. A description of the condition of the runoff at all points of discharge from the construction site. This shall include identification of any discharges of sediment from the construction site. Include discharges from conveyance systems (i.e. pipes, culverts, ditches, etc.) and overland flow;
    5. A description of the condition of all natural surface waterbodies located within, or immediately adjacent to, the property boundaries of the construction site which receive runoff from disturbed areas. This shall include identification of any discharges of sediment to the surface waterbody;
    6. Identification of all erosion and sediment control practices that need repair or maintenance;
    7. Identification of all erosion and sediment control practices that were not installed properly or are not functioning as designed and need to be reinstalled or replaced;
    8. Description and sketch of areas that are disturbed at the time of the inspection and areas that have been stabilized (temporary and/or final) since the last inspection;

(Part IV. C 4)

  1. Current phase of construction of all post-construction stormwater management practices and identification of all construction that is not in conformance with the SWPPP and technical standards;
  2. Corrective action(s) that must be taken to install, repair, replace or maintain erosion and sediment control practices; and to correct deficiencies identified with the construction of the post-construction stormwater management practice(s); and
  3. Digital photographs, with date stamp, that clearly show the condition of all practices that have been identified as needing corrective actions. The qualified inspector shall attach paper color copies of the digital photographs to the inspection report being maintained onsite within seven (7) calendar days of the date of the inspection. The qualified inspector shall also take digital photographs, with date stamp, that clearly show the condition of the practice(s) after the corrective action has been completed. The qualified inspector shall attach paper color copies of the digital photographs to the inspection report that documents the completion of the corrective action work within seven (7) calendar days of that inspection.
  4. Within one business day of the completion of an inspection, the qualified inspector shall notify the owner or operator and appropriate contractor or subcontractor identified in Part III.A.6. of any corrective actions that need to be taken. The contractor or subcontractor shall begin implementing the corrective actions within one business day of this notification and shall complete the corrective actions in a reasonable time frame.
  5. All inspection reports shall be signed by the qualified inspector. Pursuant to Part II.C.2., the inspection reports shall be maintained on site with the SWPPP.


Required SWPPP Components by Project Type

Table 1


The following construction activities that involve soil disturbances of one (1) or more acres of land, but less than five (5) acres:

  • Single family home not located in one of the watersheds listed in Appendix C and not directly discharging to one of the 303(d) segments listed in Appendix E
  • Single family residential subdivisions with 25% or less impervious cover at total site build-out and not located in one of the watersheds listed in Appendix C and not directly discharging to one of the 303(d) segments listed in Appendix E
  • Construction of a barn or other agricultural building, silo, stock yard or pen.

The following construction activities that involve soil disturbances of one (1) or more acres of land:

  • Installation of underground, linear utilities; such as gas lines, fiber-optic cable, cable TV, electric, telephone, sewer mains, and water mains
  • Environmental enhancement projects, such as wetland mitigation projects, stormwater retrofits and stream restoration projects
  • Bike paths and trails
  • Sidewalk construction projects that are not part of a road/ highway construction or reconstruction project
  • Slope stabilization projects
  • Slope flattening that changes the grade of the site, but does not significantly change the runoff characteristics
  • Spoil areas that will be covered with vegetation
  • Land clearing and grading for the purposes of creating vegetated open space (i.e. recreational parks, lawns, meadows, fields), excluding projects that alter hydrology from pre to post development conditions
  • Athletic fields (natural grass) that do not include the construction or reconstruction of impervious area and do not alter hydrology from pre to post development conditions
  • Demolition project where vegetation will be established and no redevelopment is planned
  • Overhead electric transmission line project that does not include the construction of permanent access roads or parking areas surfaced with impervious cover
  • Structural practices as identified in Table II in the “Agricultural Management Practices Catalog for Nonpoint Source Pollution in New York State”, excluding projects that involve soil disturbances of less than five acres and construction activities that include the construction or reconstruction of impervious area

The following construction activities that involve soil disturbances between five thousand (5000) square feet and one (1) acre of land:

  • All construction activities located in the watersheds identified in Appendix D that involve soil disturbances between five thousand (5000) square feet and one (1) acre of land.

Table 2



The following construction activities that involve soil disturbances of one (1) or more acres of land:

  • Single family home located in one of the watersheds listed in Appendix C or directly discharging to one of the 303(d) segments listed in Appendix E
  • Single family residential subdivisions located in one of the watersheds listed in Appendix C or directly discharging to one of the 303(d) segments listed in Appendix E
  • Single family residential subdivisions that involve soil disturbances of between one (1) and five (5) acres of land with greater than 25% impervious cover at total site build-out
  • Single family residential subdivisions that involve soil disturbances of five (5) or more acres of land, and single family residential subdivisions that involve soil disturbances of less than five (5) acres that are part of a larger common plan of development or sale that will ultimately disturb five or more acres of land
  • Multi-family residential developments; includes townhomes, condominiums, senior housing complexes, apartment complexes, and mobile home parks
  • Airports
  • Amusement parks
  • Campgrounds
  • Cemeteries that include the construction or reconstruction of impervious area (>5% of disturbed area) or alter the hydrology from pre to post development conditions
  • Commercial developments
  • Churches and other places of worship
  • Construction of a barn or other agricultural building(e.g. silo) and structural practices as identified in Table II in the “Agricultural Management Practices Catalog for Nonpoint Source Pollution in New York State” that include the construction or reconstruction of impervious area, excluding projects that involve soil disturbances of less than five acres.
  • Golf courses
  • Institutional, includes hospitals, prisons, schools and colleges
  • Industrial facilities, includes industrial parks
  • Landfills
  • Municipal facilities; includes highway garages, transfer stations, office buildings, POTW’s and water treatment plants
  • Office complexes
  • Sports complexes
  • Racetracks, includes racetracks with earthen (dirt) surface
  • Road construction or reconstruction
  • Parking lot construction or reconstruction
  • Athletic fields (natural grass) that include the construction or reconstruction of impervious area (>5% of disturbed area) or alter the hydrology from pre to post development conditions
  • Athletic fields with artificial turf
  • Permanent access roads, parking areas, substations, compressor stations and well drilling pads, surfaced with impervious cover, and constructed as part of an over-head electric transmission line project , wind-power project, cell tower project, oil or gas well drilling project or other linear utility project
  • All other construction activities that include the construction or reconstruction of impervious area and alter the hydrology from pre to post development conditions, and are not listed in Table 1

Qualified Inspector – means a person that is knowledgeable in the principles and practices of erosion and sediment control, such as a licensed Professional Engineer, Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC), Registered Landscape Architect, or other Department endorsed individual(s).

It can also mean someone working under the direct supervision of, and at the same company as, the licensed Professional Engineer or Registered Landscape Architect, provided that person has training in the principles and practices of erosion and sediment control. Training in the principles and practices of erosion and sediment control means that the individual working under the direct supervision of the licensed Professional Engineer or Registered Landscape Architect has received four (4) hours of Department endorsed training in proper erosion and sediment control principles from a Soil and Water Conservation District, or other Department endorsed entity. After receiving the initial training, the individual working under the direct supervision of the licensed Professional Engineer or Registered Landscape Architect shall receive four (4) hours of training every three (3) years.

It can also mean a person that meets the Qualified Professional qualifications in addition to the Qualified Inspector qualifications.

Note: Inspections of any post-construction stormwater management practices that include structural components, such as a dam for an impoundment, shall be performed by a licensed Professional Engineer.

Created: December 15, 2023
At the December 11, 2023 Town Board Meeting the Board unanimously approved a resolution authorizing the Highway Department to move forward with repairs and upgrades to stormwater systems within the Town.  Funding for this project was previously allo…
Scott Reese
Zoning Administrator & Stormwater Management Officer
(518) 371-6054
(518) 371-1136
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Office Hours


1 Town Hall Plaza
Clifton Park, NY 12065