Statement from Supervisor Barrett
I remind businesses and public venues in Town that we have masks available, for free upon request. To request masks, please contact my office at 518.371.0083.
We purchased a large amount of masks in the early stages of the pandemic to provide this protective measure for the community. The masks were purchased in partnership with the Clifton Park IDA. Tens of thousands of masks have been provided to residents and businesses through public mask distribution events and requests submitted to my office.
I understand many people are not pleased the Governor has instituted a new mask mandate. Following the mask mandate as we visit public spaces, will avoid uncomfortable situations for employees of the establishment you are visiting. People working at local businesses and other public venues are simply trying to make a living and are doing their best under difficult circumstances. Since Monday morning, all Town buildings have been following the mandate.
The new mask mandate identifies Local Health Departments as the enforcement mechanism for the mandate in our County. County Public Health resources are already stretched thin. The County has conducted 130 and counting, vaccination clinics in the last several months. We are partnering with the County on a third booster vaccination clinic at the Clifton Park Senior Community Center on December 20th. County Health personnel are also responsible for contact tracing, Covid testing, answering general questions, assisting residents and businesses with various issues and a myriad of other responsibilities. Removing County employees from these vital responsibilities to enforcement activities that are not part of their core duties, would be a significant setback for their Covid response efforts.
Thank you for your cooperation as we navigate the effects of the pandemic and governmental mandates.