The Clifton Park Government Re-Thinking Energy & Environment Now, (G.R.E.E.N.) Committee has been assisting and advising the Town Board on energy and environmental impacts and issues since 2007. The committee meets monthly to promote broad energy awareness and consumer education; advocating actions that residents can take to reduce the consumption of limited natural resources, both now and in the future.
The G.R.E.E.N. Committee has led efforts to improve energy efficiency in all town buildings. Energy efficient lighting and roof top solar panels have been installed, motion sensors have been added and other lighting equipment has been replaced. These measures are expected to save the town thousands of dollars over the next several years, based on an independent audit conducted by NYSERDA.
The committee recycling slogan; “It’s a Common Thing” on the generic green recycling symbol, first appeared on the Clifton Common recycling bins and is prominently displayed throughout the Town.
Click 2022 GREEN Committee Meeting Schedule for a list of meeting dates and times.
The G.R.E.E.N. Committee sponsors:
Please take a look at NYSERDA’s video of Clifton Park Resident and G.R.E.E.N. Committee member Joanne Coons, and how she has reduced her energy consumption and dependency on fossil fuels. The video can be found below.
20 Feb 2025; 07:00PM - 08:00PM Historic Preservation Commission Meetings |
20 Mar 2025; 07:00PM - 08:00PM Historic Preservation Commission Meetings |