Hours of Operation: Monday - Sunday 10:00 am to Dusk (weather permitting)
Action Park is open from April 1st to October 30th.
Please call Town Security at 518-348-7311 for questions or concerns.
Clifton Park’s Skate Park is located off of Clifton Country Road,
near Regal Movie Theater & SkyZone Trampoline Park
This is an unstaffed park.
- Park users use the park at their own risk of being injured. The Town of Clifton Park will not be liable for injuries.
- The Town of Clifton Park is not responsible for personal property brought to the park.
- Rough play, abusive behavior, obscene language, and obscene graphics on equipment or clothing will not be toleratedand may be grounds for removal from the park.
- All equipment is to be used per manufacturer’s specifications. Skaters must wear shirts, shoes and helmets. Inline skatersmust also wear wrist guards.
- Only one person at a time is allowed to skate on a ramp.
- The park will not be open when the equipment, apparatus, and/or pavement is wet or icy.
- Skaters are to use only the equipment that is appropriate for their skill level.
- Report visible hazards or repair needs to the Town Buildings and Grounds Department at 518-371-6651.
- Only skateboard, scooters and inline skates are permitted. All other uses are prohibited which include BMX, heelies, snake boards, wave boards, or any other type of rideable items.
- All equipment used by park users must be in good condition and not damage the park or its structures.
- Recklessness will not be tolerated. All skaters must use this facility responsibly to avoid injury to themselves or others.The use of proper skater etiquette is expected at all times.
- No skating or trespassing is permitted when the skate park is closed. Violators will be prosecuted.
- The following are prohibited: radios/boom boxes, smoking, vaping, alcohol, chewing gum and tobacco products.
- All forms of graffiti, tagging or other means of defacing town property is strictly prohibited. Violators will beprosecuted.
- No knives, guns, or weapons of any nature shall be permitted in any portion of the Park.
- Eating and drinking is permitted in picnic area only.
- Glass containers are prohibited on town property.
- No contests of any sort are allowed in the park unless organized by the Town of Clifton Park.
- No person or group shall provide instruction, coaching, or teaching of skating or skateboarding in the park for any fee or compensation.
- No person shall pay another person at the park for instruction, coaching, or teaching.