All persons on the Barney Road Golf Course shall observe the following rules and regulations:
- All players must pay their appropriate fees at the Course Cottage before starting to play, including but not limited to greens fees and golf carts.
- All players shall start playing only at number one tee and shall not play at any time until the players ahead are out of range. All players shall play holes in order 1-9.
- Every person must obey the directions of the Course Staff with reference to order of play, practicing and behavior on the grounds.
- Children under 6 years not permitted on the course. Children under 11 years of age must be accompanied by an adult 18 years of age or older, who accepts responsibility for their safety and behavior.
- No person shall be on the golf course after dark or after the closing hour.
- No person shall litter the grounds with waste material.
- No motorized vehicles are permitted on the course unless authorized by Office of Parks and Recreation and/or Buildings and Grounds Department.
- No person shall bring animals on the grounds of the golf course.
- Players should always show consideration for other players on the course and should not disturb their play by moving, talking or making unnecessary noise. Players should ensure that any electronic device taken onto the course does not distract other players.
- No groups of more than four players permitted. When the course is crowded, the Course Staff may require that “foursomes” be formed.
- Keep pull carts and golf bags 20 feet from tees, greens and traps.
- No person shall approach or otherwise hit a golf ball onto or towards a green when in close enough proximity for the ball to reach the green, if players are on the green or after a golf course employee has removed the flag on the green for maintenance purposes, and shall not approach or hit the ball until the flag has been reset and the player or golf course employee is off the green.
- It is a group’s responsibility to keep up with the group in front. If it loses a clear hole and it is delaying the group behind, it should invite the group behind to play through, irrespective of the number of players in that group. Where a group has not lost a clear hole, but it is apparent that the group behind can play faster, it should invite the faster moving group to play through.
- Players should be ready to play as soon as it is their turn to play. When the play of a hole has been completed, players should immediately leave the putting green.
- Players looking for lost golf balls (5 minutes maximum), must wave players through.
- Players should carefully repair any divot holes made by them and any damage to the putting green made by the impact of a ball (whether or not made by the player himself). On completion of the hole by all players in the group, damage to the putting green caused by golf shoes should be repaired.
- Appropriate shirts and shoes must be worn at all times. No tank tops, bathing suits or bathing suit tops will be allowed. Shoes should be golf shoes (must be soft spikes) or flat bottom tennis shoes. No shirt or item of clothing should have any profanity or offensive slogans, logos, pictures or content.
- No alcoholic beverages are permitted on the golf course.
- All leagues, tournaments and special events shall be scheduled with Office of Parks and Recreation.
- All players agree to the above rules simply by purchasing greens fee. Failure to abide by U.S.G.A. or Course Rules & Regulations may result in the immediate withdrawal of golf privileges with no refund. The Office of Parks and Recreation reserves the right to remove or refuse services to those persons not abiding by the above rules and regulations.