Town of Clifton Park
2024 Community Action Fund Applications Available
2024 Community Action Fund Applications Available
On February 4, 2019, Town Supervisor Phil Barrett announced the establishment of a Community Action Fund. The Fund provides an opportunity for community Non-Profit organizations to apply for funding to support programs and projects that would result in a tangible benefit to Clifton Park and its residents. Financial support of the Community Action Fund is generated by the donation of bottles and cans that can be redeemed for a deposit. No Town funds are used to support the program.
Town Supervisor Barrett noticed a large quantity of redeemable bottles and cans in the recycling bins at the Town Transfer Station. The goal was to provide a donation option for people adjacent to the recycling bins. The donations would allow the Town to capture revenue from the redeemable bottles and cans. The funds could then be used to support community organizations and strengthen the Town’s social infrastructure.
A committee consisting of Supervisor Barrett, Councilwoman Walowit and several community representatives was established to make a series of recommendations for the establishment of an application process and criteria. The committee met in the Spring of 2019 and formalized the application process, establishing that applications would be due September 30th of each year, organizations serving Clifton Park residents could apply and requests would be limited to a maximum of $1,000.
The 2024 application is available at, on the Town Supervisor’s page for qualifying organizations who would like to apply for a grant through the program and the details of the program have not changed. Since the inception of the program, over $63,000 has been awarded to dozens of organizations serving the residents of Clifton Park. The program has been very successful due to the generous donations of bottles and cans by many residents throughout the year.
“The Community Action Fund has exceeded my expectations for delivering assistance to community non-profit organizations serving Clifton Park residents every day, said Town Supervisor Phil Barrett. Thank you to everyone who has donated bottles and cans to the program resulting in over $63,000 being invested in our community.”
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