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Town of Clifton Park

Town Supervisor

Increasing Pedestrian Access Throughout Clifton Park with New Projects: Sitterly Road

There was recently a question regarding the extension of sidewalks along Sitterly Road. We ensured pedestrian access was developed as part of the plan for bridge replacement and have also proactively taken steps to plan for future improvements.

When it became clear that the Sitterly Road bridge would need to be replaced after it was damaged by a tractor trailer the Town began working with the Department of Transportation on including pedestrian access in the new design.

The Town Board passed a resolution on April 10, 2023 engaging the services of MJ Engineering to prepare a Sidewalk Feasibility Study for the Town of Clifton Park to assess pedestrian traffic and safety improvement opportunities along Sitterly Road. This study produced a plan that includes installation of ADA-compliant concrete sidewalks and pedestrian curb ramps, signage as needed, cast-in-place curbs, curb ramps, and crosswalk stripping within the study limits.

The proposed sidewalk will match the existing roadway and shoulder profile. The existing sidewalk on the northern side of the newly constructed bridge crossing over I-87 will be left undisturbed, except for removing the existing ADA ramps and sidewalk panels on the bridge approaches so that the proposed sidewalk can match the width and grade of the existing sidewalk. Through our long range planning efforts, we have also identified an opportunity to couple the results of the sidewalk extension study to plans for intersection improvements at Sitterly and Clifton Park Center. The overall improvement plan will complement the large scale project completed on Sitterly Road a few years ago. That project improved the intersections at Sitterly/Woodin and Sitterly/Crossings Boulevard and also included extending sidewalks for pedestrian access. Final design and construction authorizations for the new plan are contingent upon successfully obtaining TAP/CMAQ grant funding assistance. All trail and intersection improvement projects are extremely expensive, therefore we have always sought and thankfully been very successful, in securing millions in grant money to offset the cost of our trail/sidewalk network for Clifton Park.

Upon securing the necessary funding for this project the Town will move forward with making this idea a reality and continue extending the sidewalks and trails available for pedestrians to use.