Town of Clifton Park
Clifton Park Land Acquisition: Property Bordering Grooms Tavern and The Grange Acquired

The Town of Clifton Park recently purchased a 5.58-acre piece of property that borders Town-owned land in Grooms Corners. Open Space Funds collected under the Western Clifton Park GEIS Density Incentive Bonus were utilized to fund the purchase.
The property, located at 280 Sugar Hill Road, Rexford, sits between Grooms Tavern and the Grange, both historic buildings that are maintained by the Town. With this new addition the Town now owns 7.4 contiguous acres, providing for a Grooms Corners Town owned complex that establishes a tangible link to the past and a way to bring meaningful Town history into context for current and future generations.
Members of the Clifton Park Historical Preservation Commission joined Historian John Scherer, Open Space Coordinator Jen Viggiani and Deputy Supervisor Anthony Morelli for a walk-through of the newly acquired parcel at 280 Sugar Hill Road last week.
Deputy Supervisor Anthony Morelli noted, “This acquisition of this property presents an opportunity for the Town to consider next steps with regards to creating a Historical District and how best to move forward with all three parcels. These properties have a great deal of historical significance to Clifton Park, and I look forward to working through the possibilities with our team.”
Planning & Zoning Department
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