Town of Clifton Park
Every April in celebration of "Earth Day" and "National Volunteer Week" the Town of Clifton Park sponsors a Town Clean-Up Day.
Please join us Saturday, April 20, 2024, to help clean up our trails, parks, and open spaces across Clifton Park and along the Mohawk River.
Since the inception of this event more than a decade ago, the number of participants has continued to grow. A few hundred volunteers annually are assigned a trail of the park to remove all the garbage found.
Volunteer opportunities for families, individuals, community groups, athletic teams, churches, synagogues, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, and others to give back to the community are available.
Help us keep Clifton Park a beautiful place to enjoy. The Town will provide trash bags and will pick up all trash and debris collected. Sign up below.
Thank you for helping us keep Clifton Park clean!