Town of Clifton Park
Clifton Knolls 2023 Leaf Pick-Up Schedule

The Clifton Knolls 2023 Leaf Pick-Up Schedule will begin on Monday, October 23, 2023 and will continue through Friday, December 1, 2023, depending upon the weather.
There will be no pick-up on:
Tuesday, November 7 (Election Day)
Friday, November 10 (Veterans Day)
Thursday, November 23 (Thanksgiving Day)
Friday, November 24
There will be no extensions expected beyond December 1, 2023. If conditions allow, however, and if sufficient leaves have been raked to the curb, the Town Highway Dept. may start picking up leaves a few days earlier than the scheduled start date of October 23.
Please be aware that the last week of the schedule is completely dependent upon the weather, since an early snowstorm or frozen conditions could shut down pickup operations for the season earlier than planned. Be advised that procrastination or waiting for the last week to start leaf gathering could result in missing out on leaf pickup if winter conditions arrive earlier than normally anticipated.
Please note that the Mill Creek development is not included in the leaf collection district.
In general, Clifton Knolls will be broken up into four sections, with each of the four machines working continuously through an entire section. However, depending upon the availability of equipment, this could change somewhat. The sections are as follows:
Section 1
Juniper Dr., Tamarack La., Laurel Oak La., Hickory Dr., Silver Maple Dr., Belmonte La., Broadleaf Dr., Broadleaf Ct., Eldorado Dr., Greenlea Dr., Colina La., Brookwood Dr., Zamora Ct.
Section 2
S. Barney Rd., Valencia La., Nina Ct., Rodriso Ct., Almeria Dr., Caceras Ct., Guadalupe Pass, Granada Dr., Valdepenas La., Cortez Ct.
Section 3
Barney Rd., Cordoba Ct., Par Del Rio, Palo Alto Ct., Balbina La., Midland Ct., Secada Dr., Leuconia Ct., Casablanca Ct., Santa Lucia Ct., Barcelona Dr., Sevilla Dr., Torrero Dr., Bilboa Rd., Majorca La.
Section 4
Beechwood Dr., Beechwood Ct., Hemlock Dr., Aspen La., Pinewood Dr., Birchwood Dr., Locust La., Rosewood Dr., Cedar La., Chestnut La, Payne Ct., El Lobo Ct., Madrid Ct., Castillion Ct.
Residents are reminded that piles of leaves on the pavement surfaces pose a safety hazard for pedestrians, bicyclists, and vehicles. Leaves in the road can also clog catch basins and cause street flooding. Please DO NOT move leaves into the street. Pile them only on the edge of your property. Also, leaves should not be moved into the center islands.
Branches and sticks must be removed or broken-up or reduced in size to 6-inches or less in length and less than 1/2-inch in diameter to prevent clogging of the leaf vacuum machines.
Suggestions about pick-ups or situations requiring attention should be reported to the Town Highway Superintendent at 518-371-7310. Calls made within 24 hours of a problem can be addressed quickly, so take an active role. Also, please check the Clifton Park Website at for additional information or changes.
Highway Department
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