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37-Acre Town Center Park - Planning & Design

On Feb. 3, 2020, the Town of Clifton Park Town Board adopted the Town Park Master Plan.

On Dec. 9, 2019 the town's consultant team presented the Town Park Master Plan to the Town of Clifton Park Town Board at its regular meeting in front of a packed room.  This plan was created through the guidance of a Park Planning Advisory Committee and Stakeholders Group, and conducted through a public process that spanned nearly one year.  Below are the Master Plan documents (the full report and the separate appendix) and the Presentation, for public review.  Please contact the Town Planning Department at (518) 371-6054 with comments, or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The Town Board will be reviewing these public planning documents over the next few weeks. 

 pdfTown Board Dec 9th Presentation reduced (4.97 MB)   

 pdfPARK MASTER PLAN Town Board Dec 9 small v2 (5.54 MB)

 pdfAPPENDIX Town Center Park Master Plan (3.67 MB)

Thank you in advance for your continued interest and support.  Below are previous documents from the planning process.

Draft Concept Plan Public Presentation

Draft Concept Plan - Submit PUBLIC COMMENTS

Location Map

Project BaseMap 37 Acres Town Center Park Planning Project